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Flow Rate Family of Inlet Boundary Conditions

Flow Rate family of inlet boundary conditions prescribe the flow rate at the inlet patches. NOTE: In incompressible fluid flow, also the flow rate is like divided by density and may be viewed as a volume flow rate.


Running Simulation - Parallel Run - Start Simulation

To start simulation in parallel type the following command:

# mpirun -np 4 blueSolver -parallel > log $&$

For effective computing one can use bash script e.g.



# number of CPUs to run on

# check environment
if [[ $(echo $WM_PROJECT_VERSION |  cut -c1-3) != "2.3" ]]; then
    echo "You need OpenFOAM 2.3 to run the case."
    exit 0


sed -i "s/\(.*numberOfSubdomains[ \t]*\)[0-9].*;/numberOfSubdomains $numProcs;/g" system/decomposeParDict

# setup the initial conditions
rm -rf 0
cp -R 0

# decompose
rm -rf processor* postProcessing*
echo "1. Parallel decomposition."
for region in spiral stay rotor drafttube guide; do
    decomposePar -region $region | tee -a log > log.decomposePar-$region  2>&1 

bash tasksetScript &

# run the solver
echo "2. Computing (blueSolver)"
mpirun -np ${numProcs} blueSolver -parallel | tee -a log > log.blueSolver  2>&1 

# reconstruct the latest time
echo "3. Parallel reconstruction"
for region in spiral stay rotor drafttube guide; do
    reconstructPar -region $region -latestTime | tee -a log > log.reconstructPar-$region  2>&1 


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MRF (Multiple Reference Frame) Method for Rotation of Rotating Parts

For simulating of the rotation it is used Multiple Reference Frame (MRF) method. MRF adds source term (acceleration) to velocity (momentum) equations. Source term is applied on volume cells cellZone. For more details see e.g. [9].