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Tutorial case

  • The tutorial case can be found in the materials inside the training/run/snappyTestCase directory.
  • The directory contains a preset case for mesh generation of a simple geometry:
    snappyTestCaseCase directory
    29 constant 
         29 polyMeshOpenFOAM mesh data
             29 blockMeshDictDictionary for blockMesh utility
         29 triSurfaceDirectory including inputs for snappyHexMesh
             29 C-fine.stl30
             29 D-fine.stl31 Surface geometry files
             29 F-fine.stl32
    29 system 
             29 controlDict30
             29 fvSchemes31 Compulsory files
             29 fvSolution32
             29 snappyHexMeshDictSnappyHexMesh mesh parameters
             29 surfaceFeatureExtractDictDictionary for generation of geometry edges
    29 snappyEvolution.mp4All the intermediate steps visualization
  • Additional files and folders for meshing:
    • triSurface directory holds the input geometry. SnappyHexMesh always looks into this directory.
    • snappyHexMeshDict is a dictionary for snappyHexMesh inlucding all the mesh and algorithm parameters.
    • surfaceFeatureExtractDict is a dictionary for surfaceFeatureExtract utility by which edges of input geometry can be generated.
  • The input geometry for this case consists of three letter-shaped objects – C, F and D (see Figure [*]).

Figure: Input geometry, three letters – C.stl, F.stl and D.stl.

  • This tutorial is explaining the most important parameters for generating a computational mesh.

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Geometry & Mesh

All following Turbo Blade Post usage examples are presented on a numerical results from a simulation of an incompressible flow in a pump. The boundary geometry of the simulated volume of the pump is shown in the figure [*]. The meshing and calculation has been done by TCFD / CFD Processor using the OpenFOAM package. The resulting meshes are displayed in the figures [*] and [*]. Numerical results are illustrated in the figures [*] and [*]. These are classical visualisations from ParaView. Turbo Blade Post offers several new ways how to inspect the numerical data, which are presented in the following chapters.
turbo blade post cfd pump geometry

Figure: Geometry of the TCFD tutorial pump used in this examples.

turbo blade post cfd pump rotor snappy hex mesh

Figure: Computational mesh in the rotor MRF (rotating) zone as generated by TCFD using the snappyHexMesh mesher.

turbo blade post cfd pump blades half mesh

Figure: Computational mesh in the rotor MRF (rotating) zone as generated by TCFD using the snappyHexMesh mesher.

turbomachinery cfd pump results pressure

Figure: Static pressure field in the pump. The incompressible simulation has been done by TCFD using OpenFOAM.

turbomachinery cfd pump results relative velocity

Figure: Relative velocity streamlines in the rotating part (MRF zone) of the mesh. The incompressible simulation has been done by TCFD using OpenFOAM.