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43 Instant convergence monitoring during computation

  • Convergence can be watched instantly using small script for Gnuplot


  • Suitable for immediate convergence watching


  • Create new file e.g. residuals:


    # Gnuplot script file for plotting data from file "log"
    set title "Convergence process"
    set xlabel "Iterations"
    set ylabel "Reziduals"
    set logscale y
    plot "< cat log.simpleFoam | grep Ux | cut -d' ' -f9 | tr -d ','" title 'u', \
         "< cat log.simpleFoam | grep Uy | cut -d' ' -f9 | tr -d ','" title 'v', \
         "< cat log.simpleFoam | grep Uz | cut -d' ' -f9 | tr -d ','" title 'w' 
    pause 10 # pause mouse


  • Anytime during computation it can be run by typing command:
    # gnuplot residuals
openfoam tutorial motor bike residuals

Figure: OpenFOAM tutorial motor bike. Velocity residuals during computation.

Using blockMesh Generator

  • Block structured meshes (mesh consists of blocks)
  • Cartesian coordinate system 18 with origin in (0, 0, 0)
  • Configuration file is cavity/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict


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Clipped boundary is hub

The boundary of the mesh that is newly created by the drilling (specifying non-zero “Clip out radius”) can be considered to belong either to the hub or to the inlet/outlet interface. The default is to assign the new boundary to the hub patch. If unselected, the new boundary will be assumed to belong to the inlet/outlet interfac