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  • Utilities are supporting tools for CFD processes, e.g. preprocessing, postprocessing, data conversion and manipulation, etc. …
  • Source code of utilities is located in the path of system variable $FOAM_UTILITIES
  • You can jump to the OpenFOAM utilities directory e.g using system
    variable $FOAM_UTILITIES:
  • You can jump to the OpenFOAM utilities directory e.g using alias util:
    # util
    # ls -l
  • Basic types of utilities:

    meshmesh manipulation utilities
    parallelProcessingutilities for parallel computations
    postProcessingpostprocessing utilities
    preProcessingpreprocessing utilities
    surfacesurface meshes utilities
    thermophysicalutilities for evaluating special physical relations

Fixed Velocity Varying with Patch Height Boundary Condition


     type            zeroGradient;


        type            turboFixedValue;
        value           $internalField;
        artTransform    on;
        axis            ( 0 0 1 );
        h               ( 
      values  ( 
               (	-0.0217653	-3.37453	7.5519	)
               (	-0.0127509	-3.49978	8.15431	)
               (	-0.00466222	-3.60691	8.90367	)
               (	0.00196511	-3.56564	9.12703	)
               (	0.0228944	-3.53636	9.25588	)

When parameter artTransform is on, the velocity components are of axial radial and tangential meaning. Otherwise, the velocity components are always Cartesian.

The inlet patch is virtually divided in to number of intervals. When parameter h is prescribed (with e.g. five height levels), the inlet patch is virtually divided into six intervals. Into each interval is prescribed corresponding value (linear interpolation is employed here).


Figure: The definition of axial, radial and tangential velocity components.

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Flow path geometry

Any design of a real geometry contains complex details such as solids, screws, mounting joints, sealings, nuts, etc. To simulate a flow we need to have a clear geometry describing a flow path only. See figure below.

volute solid

Solid geometry

volute flowPath

Flow path geometry

INPUT RULE 1: Having a clear geometry describing the flow path only.