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Latin symbols

img3 1    skin friction coefficient
img2 2    specific heat capacity
img4 1    diffusion coefficient
img5 1    gravity force
img6 3    internal energy
img7 1    surface normal
img8 4    pressure
img9 2    heat flux
img10 1    source term
img11 2    time in general
img12 2    time time step
img13 2    velocity components
img14 2    velocity vector
img15 2    friction velocity
img16 3    velocity components
img17 2    velocity components
img18 2    space coordinates
img19 2    space step
img20 4    vector of space coordinates
img21 3    space coordinates
img22 2    space coordinates
img23 3    general variable
img24 3    general constant
img25 2    concentration
img26 2    test case number
img27 1 1    diameter
img28 2    cell volume
img29 2    rate-of-deformation tensor
img30 2    Deborah number
img31 2    vector of viscous fluxes
img32 2    vector of viscous fluxes
img33 2    spring constant
img34 2    vector of viscous fluxes
img35 2    characteristic length
img36 2    velocity gradient
img37 2    Péclet number
img38 4    characteristic radius
img39 2    vector of viscous fluxes
img40 1    Reynolds number
img41 1    vector of viscous fluxes
img42 4    physical time
img43 3    vector of viscous fluxes
img44 2    stress tensor
img45 4    mean velocity
img46 2    vector of unknowns
     anti-symmetrical part of velocity gradient
img48 3    Weissenberg number


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Turbo Blade Post

The Turbo Blade Post is designed for postprocessing any rotating machines. Both radial and axial machinery. Pumps, water (hydro) turbines, compressors, turbochargers, propellers and many more.

Turbo Blade Post is product of company CFD Support s.r.o. ( It was especially created to enable an effective postprocessing of rotating machinery. Turbo Blade Post is a set of plugins for software

Latin symbols

$ \color{white} c_f$     skin friction coefficient
$ \color{white} c_p$     specific heat capacity
$ \color{white} {\mathsf {d}}$     diffusion coefficient
$ \color{white} g$     gravity force
$ \color{white} h$     internal energy
$ \color{white} \vec{n}$     surface normal
$ \color{white} p$     pressure
$ \color{white} q$     heat flux
$ \color{white} {\mathsf {s}}$     source term
$ \color{white} t$     time in general
$ \color{white} \Delta t$     time time step
$ \color{white} u$     velocity components
$ \color{white} \bm{{\mathsf {u}}}$     velocity vector
$ \color{white} \bm{{\mathsf {u}}}_{\tau}$     friction velocity
$ \color{white} v$     velocity components
$ \color{white} w$     velocity components
$ \color{white} x$     space coordinates
$ \color{white} \Delta {\mathsf {x}}$     space step
$ \color{white} \bm{{\mathsf {x}}}$     vector of space coordinates
$ \color{white} y$     space coordinates
$ \color{white} z$     space coordinates
$ \color{white} A$     general variable
$ \color{white} C$     general constant
$ \color{white} {\mathsf {C}}$     concentration
$ \color{white} {\mathfrak{C}}$     test case number
$ \color{white} D$     diameter
$ \color{white} {\mathsf {D}}$     cell volume
$ \color{white} \bm{{\mathsf {D}}}$     rate-of-deformation tensor
$ \color{white} D\!e$     Deborah number
$ \color{white} {\mathsf {F}}$     vector of viscous fluxes
$ \color{white} {\mathsf {G}}$     vector of viscous fluxes
$ \color{white} G$     spring constant
$ \color{white} {\mathsf {H}}$     vector of viscous fluxes
$ \color{white} L$     characteristic length
$ \color{white} \bm{{\mathsf {L}}}$     velocity gradient
$ \color{white} P_e$     Péclet number
$ \color{white} R$     characteristic radius
$ \color{white} {\mathsf {R}}$     vector of viscous fluxes
$ \color{white} Re$     Reynolds number
$ \color{white} {\mathsf {S}}$     vector of viscous fluxes
$ \color{white} T$     physical time
$ \color{white} {\mathsf {T}}$     vector of viscous fluxes
$ \color{white} \bm{{\mathsf {T}}}$     stress tensor
$ \color{white} U$     mean velocity
$ \color{white} {\mathsf {W}}$     vector of unknowns
$ \color{white} \bm{{\mathsf {W}}}$     anti-symmetrical part of velocity gradient
$ \color{white} We$     Weissenberg number

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TCFD\textregistered = Turbomachinery CFD

TCFD\textregistered is a comprehensive CFD workflow for turbomachinery simulations. This workflow covers complete process from the basic (usually CAD) data over CFD analysis to significant engineering results. TCFD\textregistered is based on the OpenFOAM® software. It is the final outcome of a many year development of the team of CFD Support engineers and developers.
TCFD\textregistered is not dependent on other software but it is fully compatible with standard OpenFOAM® and other software packages. It was originally designed for simulating rotational machines, nevertheless it can be used for a wide range of various CFD simulations.
Turbomachinery CFD pump in graphical interface
Turbomachinery CFD Francis in graphical interface

 The package includes real tutorials. The tutorials help the user to operate the model data. The user can easily repeat the whole process with his own data.

CFD Support s.r.o. provides full technical support. TCFD\textregistered is maintained and regularly updated. CFD Support engineers are instantly working on additional software modules and extensions covering even more physical problems. To ensure the smooth start the extensive training is provided. Experienced lecturer shows the full functionality and answers all the possible questions.
Turbomachinery CFD Compressor in graphical interface 2
TCFD\textregistered is highly customizable. All the OpenFOAM® parts of the package are developed under GPL (GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.) All the OpenFOAM® based components are provided with their source code. Having technical support, any additional functions can be added all over the workflow.
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In TCFD\textregistered its developers made good use of many years experience with using and developing CFD software. Especially for this workflow were developed special OpenFOAM® based boundary conditions e.g. to handle the rotor – stator interface or boundary conditions for the inlet and the outlet of the computational domain. The solvers for TCFD\textregistered are very robust and they were heavily tested on real machine cases and showed perfect agreement with available measurements. The solvers are robust enough to handle the extreme flow conditions, it shows excellent performance, for example, at transonic flows.
TurbomachineryCFD axial fan noHousing TCFD CFD processor run
The TCFD\textregistered workflow also contains a number of scripts, OpenFOAM® utilities and OpenFOAM® function objects for preprocessing and postprocessing. To keep complete independence of this workflow, the computational mesh is created using OpenFOAM® utility snappyHexMesh. Of course using snappyHexMesh mesh is not necessary – any external CFD mesh can be imported and used instead.
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