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Greek symbols

img49 1 2    shear-rate
img50 1 1    shear stress component
img51 1 1    dynamic viscosity
img52 1 1    relative dynamic viscosity
img53 1 1    kinematic viscosity
img54 2    turbulent kinematic eddy viscosity
img55 4    density
img56 2    artificial compressibility coefficient
img57 3    heat conductivity
img58 3    boundary layer thickness, or Kronecker delta
img59 3    general vector of unknowns
img60 4    real constant
img61 4    retardation time
img50 2 1    stress tensor component
img62 6    positive constant
img63 2 1    weight function
img64 2    computational domain
img65 2    computational domain boundary


ParaView is an open source multiple-platform application for interactive, scientific visualization. It has a client–server architecture to facilitate remote visualization of datasets, and generates level of detail (LOD) models to maintain interactive frame rates for large datasets. It is an application built on top of the Visualization Tool Kit (VTK) libraries. Where VTK is a set of libraries that provide visualization services for data, task, and pipeline parallelism, ParaView is an application designed for data parallelism on shared-memory or distributed-memory multicomputers and clusters. It can also be run as a single-computer application.

ParaView offers the possibility to extend its functionality in several directions. This encompasses modifications to the GUI, implementation of new sources (i.e. generation of predefined curves and bodies), definition of new selection functions etc. The most useful category of plugins are the Filters.

menu 2

Figure: ParaView custom filters

Any extension to ParaView comes in a form of a shared library (something.dll in Windows or in Unix-like systems). The library can be loaded into ParaView using the plugin manager. The plugin manager is accessible through Tools > Manage Plugins. All new plugins have to be loaded there and optionally set to auto-load (see fig. crossref 3).

plugin manager 1

Figure: ParaView custom filters

 NOTE: the filters tend to disappear from their categories after use. This is a feature of ParaView, which moves the last used filter menu item into Filters > Recent. That list is, however, limited. Nevertheless, all filters are alwys accessible through the Filters > Search option.

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Greek symbols

$ \color{white} \dot{\gamma}$     shear-rate
$ \color{white} \tau$     shear stress component
$ \color{white} \mu$     dynamic viscosity
$ \color{white} \bar{\mu}$     relative dynamic viscosity
$ \color{white} \nu$     kinematic viscosity
$ \color{white} \nu_T$     turbulent kinematic eddy viscosity
$ \color{white} \rho$     density
$ \color{white} \beta$     artificial compressibility coefficient
$ \color{white} \kappa$     heat conductivity
$ \color{white} \delta$     boundary layer thickness, or Kronecker delta
$ \color{white} \phi$     general vector of unknowns
$ \color{white} \alpha$     real constant
$ \color{white} \lambda$     retardation time
$ \color{white} \tau$     stress tensor component
$ \color{white} \epsilon$     positive constant
$ \color{white} \omega$     weight function
$ \color{white} \Omega$     computational domain
$ \color{white} \Gamma$     computational domain boundary

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TCFD\textregistered Unique Value

TCFD\textregistered is a smart, easy-to-use and affordable CFD software. TCFD\textregistered was designed for CFD simulations of all rotating machinery such as pumps, fans, compressors, turbines, turbochargers, hydro turbines, etc. Both radial and axial machines. Both compressible and incompressible fluid flows. It is based on OpenFOAM. TCFD is unique at least for four reasons:
  1. TCFD\textregistered is unlimited in users, jobs, or cores – This means TCFD user can scale their CFD simulations in a really big way.
  2. TCFD\textregistered is fully automated – which means all the workflow from the initial data to the final results report, it can be run by a single command or a single click. And all the process is being done automatically. For this reason TCFD is extremely effective.
  3. CFD Support delivers the extraordinary technical support. CFD Support keeps custom approach to every customer. To every issue. CFD Support never leaves behind any of its clients. Technical support is very flexible. Technical support is unlimited. CFD Support supports its clients even in matters out of the turbomachinery field. For example in: Numerical Mathematics, Physics, CFD, IT or even Software Engineering.
  4. The real tutorials are included – so the TCFD\textregistered user has no doubts about the best practice settings. So there are included the real machines that are already pre-set. User can basically take one of those tutorials, replace the geometry with his own, you modify the settings and run the simulation. The rest of the workflow is automated anyway. So, the requirements on user’s CFD skills are very low.