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Using blockMesh generator

  • Block structured meshes (mesh consists of blocks)
  • Cartesian coordinate system img93 1 with origin in (0, 0, 0)
  • Configuration file is cavity/system/blockMeshDict



At the moment only the following quantities are sampled: the pressure p, the absolute velocity U (no circumferential component), the relative velocity URel (no circumferential component), the absolute velocity magnitude magU and the relative velocity magnitude magURel.

inletOutlet Boundary Condition

The inletOutlet boundary condition is normally the same as zeroGradient, but it switches to fixedValue if the velocity vector next to the boundary aims inside the domain (backward flow). The value of that fixedValue is inletValue. See figure (crossref 3).


Figure: The meaning of inletOutlet boundary condition


        type            inletOutlet;
        value           $internalField;
        inletValue      uniform (0 0 0);

k, omega, epsilon, T:

        type            inletOutlet;
        value           $internalField;
        inletValue      uniform 0;

Previous: Boundary condition: Inlet Up: TCFD – GUI Setup Next: Initial conditions
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Boundary condition: Outlet

The outlet boundary conditions are displayed in Figure [*]. There are two possible ways how to prescribe the desired behaviour of the simulated fields at the outlet from the computational domain: Prescribing a fixed pressure or adjusting the pressure based on the outlet velocity. The choice of the boundary conditions is done by selection of one item of the drop-down list “Outlet BC”. The rest of the panel is then adjusted to the user’s choice. The boundary condition “Fixed pressure” has only one editable property, of the same name. The boundary condition “Outlet vent” adjusts the pressure based on the velocity: $ p_{BC} = p + \frac{1}{2}RU^2$, where $ R$ is the so called resistance. The parameters are
  • “Resistance”, which specifies the outlet vent resistance $ R$; it can contain multiple resistance if multiple points are to be computed;
  • “Relaxation”, which specifies the relaxation of the pressure fields between the iterations of the solver;
  • “Max pressure”, which sets a pressure limit.
cfd processor TCFDSource outlet boundary condition fixed pressure
cfd processor TCFDSource outlet boundary condition outlet vent

Figure: Plugin TCFDSource – outlet boundary conditions: Fixed pressure (top), and outlet vent (bottom).

The boundary conditions “Mass flow rate”, “Volumetric flow rate” and “Fixed velocity” can be set for:
  • “Total pressure” boundary condition at the inlet
  • One-component mesh or frozen rotor setup, i.e., number of “mxp” for every outlet/inletInterface is set to $ 0$.