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dimensions      [0 2 -2 0 0 0 0];

Parameter dimensions means physical dimensions with respect to the SI unit system:
SI [kg m s K mol A cd]
e.g. for pressure: 71 2 (kinematic pressure)

Compressor Tutorial Meridional Average, ParaView window

turbo blade post cfd compressor screen shot meridian

Figure: Turbo Blade Post; Compressor Tutorial; Meridional (Circumferential) average of static pressure; OpenFOAM Turbomachinery CFD

mixingInterface Boundary Condition

mixingInterface boundary condition is supported by boundary type mixingInterfacePatch, defined in the mesh file boundary.


        type            mixingInterfacePatch;
        sampleRegion    stator;
        samplePatch     stator_inlet;
        division        radial;
        axis            ( 0 0 1 );
        origin          ( 0 0 0 );
        segments        8;
        planes          8;
        nFaces          740;
        startFace       169816;
4 2

Figure: mixingInterface boundary condition applied on Francis turbine. Periodic case. Z+ view.

5 2

Figure: mixingInterface boundary condition applied on Francis turbine. Periodic case. Side view.

sampleRegion is the name of the region where the quantities are mapped from. samplePatch is the name of the patch from the sampleRegion where the quantities are mapped from. division is the way how to map to this patch. division can be either radial (radial averages of the quantities, see figure ([*]), or it can be axial (parallel averages of the quantities, see figure ([*])) Parameter axis defines the axis in Cartesian coordinates (directional vector of the axis). Parameter origin is any point from the axis. So, the axis is defined by its directional vector and one of its points. segments is the number of periodic segments of this patch. planes is the number virtual averaging planes. nFaces is the number of faces of this patch. It is the mesh property, it is not recommended to edit it manually. startFace is the index of the first face in face. It is the mesh property, it is not recommended to edit it manually. cyclic boundary condition is the same for all quantities (scalars, vectors, tensors): p, U, k, omega, epsilon, T:
        type            mixingInterface;
        value           $internalField;