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internalField   uniform 0;

Parameter internalField defines values in cell volumes of the mesh The internalField is used as an initial condition at a beginning of a simulation The values can be constant all over the domain using: uniform with corresponding value Or the values can be non-constant using: nonuniform (different value in each cell) with a list of values (according to cell IDs)


internalField   nonuniform List<scalar> 

Compressor Tutorial Meridional Average, static pressure

turbo blade post cfd compressor meridian average pressure

Figure: Turbo Blade Post; Compressor Tutorial; Meridional (Circumferential) average of static pressure; OpenFOAM Turbomachinery CFD

Turbomachinery CFD Solver

Periodic (Cyclic) boundary conditions are very strong tool in CFD. Meshes of different elements can be inter-connected. The boundaries have to be of equal shape and equal area. The transformation can be rotational, translational or noOrdering.

Previous: TCFD- Running & Up: TCFD- Running & Next: TCFDManager settings
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TCFDManager plugin

The second part of the simulation is the calculation and its postprocessing. The plugin TCFDManager offers a simple user interface for these two tasks in the framework of TCFD. It builds on the plugin TCFDSource described in the previous chapter.

When starting a new calculation, make sure that the TCFDManager plugin is loaded (Tools > Manage Plugins…). If you can see the plugin in the list (“SMTCFDManager…”), you should be also able to locate the VTK source in the menu Filters (Filters > Alphabetical > TCFD Manager or Filters > Turbomachinery > TCFD Manager). Select that item; it will add a new object to the Pipeline Browser window. Note that the filter TCFDManager can be used only together with TCFDSource. An instance of TCFDSource (or its “Settings” output port) must be selected in the Pipeline Browser for TCFDManager to be even selectable!

cfd processor TCFDManager in pipeline browser

Figure: Filter TCFDManager added to the Pipeline Browser.

The user interface of the TCFDManager is much simpler than that of the TCFDSource. The following sections provide details for individual form fields.