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Physical model set-up

  • Physical properties of the test case are stored in file: transportProperties in directory constant
  • Print file on the screen
    # cat $FOAM_RUN /pitzDaily/constant/transportProperties


    transportModel  Newtonian;
    nu              [ 0 2 -1 0 0 0 0 ] 1e-05;
  • Parameter transportModel defines fluid properties, Newtonian means Newtonian fluid flow
  • Parameter nu – kinematic viscosity $ \nu = 1\cdot10^{-5}\ m^{2}/s $



Center of mass of a surface

Consider a two dimensional surface $ \color{white} \mathfrak{S}$, choose a system of coordinates and define a position vector $ \color{white} \vec{r}_{\mathfrak{S}}$ of its center of mass as following
10 1
where $ \color{white} \vec{r}$ is a position vector of an element $ \color{white} \mathrm{d} S$.

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BlueDyMSolver - transient, incompressible

TCFD solver for transient, incompressible fluid flow is called blueDyMSolver. It was gradually developed during the time from the pimpleDyMFoam solver. In any matters the blueSolver behaves the same way as any standard OpenFOAM solver. It is compatible with all OpenFOAM applications and libraries. Solver is modified to be more robust, limits for variables can be specified and many other changes have been done.