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Running in parallel

  • OpenFOAM fully supports parallel computing
  • OpenFOAM uses standard MPI (Message Passing Interface)
  • Each processor has its independent process and communicates with other processors
  • The computational domain must be decomposed first


Rotation using standard rotatingWallVelocity

rotatingWallVelocity is boundary condition for boundary type wall. rotatingWallVelocity can be used only for rotating wall (patch) that have all faces parallel with the rotation trajectory. For example a cylinder rotating around its axis can have rotatingWallVelocity.

File 0/rotor/U for turbine rotor may have following patch:


        type            rotatingWallVelocity;
        origin          (0 0 0);
        axis            (0 0 1);
        omega          -62.8; // 600 RPM,   (RPM/60)*2*PI=rPs

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The system of equations is considered to be steady-state, which means all the time derivatives are equal to zero. For more details see e.g. [1].