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Parallel run

  • Run in parallel:
    # mpiexec -np 4 simpleFoam -parallel
  • 4 is the number of processors np
  • Running on background sending output to log file called log:
    # mpiexec -np 4 simpleFoam -parallel > log &
  • Watch output in log file log:
    # tail -f log
  • Cancel watching log file log typing Ctrl+C
  • When running in parallel solution is stored in processor* directories

Run Time Settings - controlDict File

The run time set-up is following:


application             blueSolver;

startFrom               latestTime;

startTime               0;

stopAt                  endTime;

endTime                 2000;

deltaT                  1;

writeControl            timeStep;

writeInterval           100;

purgeWrite              1;

writeFormat             binary;

writePrecision          7;

writeCompression        on;

timeFormat              general;

timePrecision           6;

runTimeModifiable       true;

adjustTimeStep          false;


    # include ""
    # include ""
    # include ""
    # include ""

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Cell Centered Approach

A cell-centered approach stores the variable in all cell centers whereas a node-centered scheme stores it in the points. For more details see e.g. [3].