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Boundary types

  • Boundary types are set in constant/polyMesh/boundary

  • Basic types of boundaries in OpenFOAM are shown in following table:


    Boundary typeDescription
    patchgeneral boundary (e.g. inlet, outlet)
    emptyempty, only for 2D computations
    wedgeaxis symmetry
    cyclicperiodic (cyclic) boundary condition
    cyclicAMIgeneralized cyclic
    wallrigid wall
    processorinter-processor boundary (parallel computations)
  • Boundary types are set in constant/polyMesh/boundary
  • patch
    Patch condition contains no geometric or topological information about mesh. Typically patch is used for an inlet or an outlet.
  • symmetryPlane
    Symmetry plane (mirroring quantity)
  • empty
    Empty boundary condition is used for simplified cases (quasi 3D fluid flow)
  • wedge
    Axis symmetric computations, see figure [*].
  • cyclic
    Periodic boundary condition for regularly repeating solution (translation, rotation).
  • cyclicAMI
    Generalized cyclic, there is no need for meshes to fit each other point to point. Useful for cyclic cases and for connecting meshes consisting of more regions.
  • wall
    Rigid walls
  • processor
    When domain decomposed into sub-domains
openfoam wedge case

Figure: OpenFOAM Wedge case example

Forces Acting On the Patch - forces Function

Function forces is included in file controlDict. Definition of forces functions are created in file This functions can evaluate aerodynamic forces acting on selected model patches:


    type                    forces;
    functionObjectLibs      ( "" );
    outputControl           timeStep;
    outputInterval          1;
    region                  rotor;
    patches                 ( blade_rot_wall );
    pname                   pMean;
    Uname                   UMean;
    rhoName                 rhoInf;
    rhoInf                  1; // blueSolver uses rho = 1
    log                     true;
    CofR                    (0 0 0);
    type                    forces;
    functionObjectLibs      ( "" );
    outputControl           timeStep;
    outputInterval          1;
    region                  rotor;
    patches                 ( hub_rot_wall_wall hub_rot_wheel_wall hub_rot_tip_wall );
    pname                   pMean;
    Uname                   UMean;
    rhoName                 rhoInf;
    rhoInf                  1; // blueSolver uses rho = 1
    log                     true;
    CofR                    (0 0 0);

During the computation the results are written in directory forces/0/forces.dat.

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SIMPLE Algorithm

For solving pressure – velocity coupling the SIMPLE algorithm is used. For more details see e.g. [1].