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Script Allrun
#!/bin/sh cd ${0%/*} || exit 1 # run from this directory # Source tutorial run functions . $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions runApplication blockMesh runApplication topoSet runApplication splitMeshRegions -cellZones -overwrite # remove fluid fields from solid regions (important for post-processing) for i in heater leftSolid rightSolid do rm -f 0*/$i/{nut,alphat,epsilon,k,U,p_rgh} done for i in bottomWater topAir heater leftSolid rightSolid do runApplication -s $i changeDictionary -region $i done #-- Run on single processor #runApplication `getApplication` # Decompose runApplication decomposePar -allRegions # Run runParallel `getApplication` # Reconstruct runApplication reconstructPar -allRegions echo echo "creating files for paraview post-processing" echo paraFoam -touchAll # ----------------------------------------------------------------- end-of-file
- Line 6 in file Allrun includes system functions from file
$WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions , e.g. getApplication reads name of the solver from file controlDict - Line 8 in file Allrun runs application blockMesh and standard output is redirected to file log.blockMesh. blockMesh creates computational mesh, regions not yet specified.
- line 9 in file Allrun runs application topoSet, which creates cell zones. Regions are later created from cell zones. Application topoSet reads settings from file system/topoSetDict.
- Line 10 in file Allrun divides mesh to (regions) using splitMeshRegions, where using switches -cellZones -overwrite divides to (regions) according to (cellZones) overwriting original mesh
- Lines 12 – 16 in file Allrun delete useless files because of postprocessing
- Lines 19 – 22 in file Allrun using utility changeDictionary sets boundary conditions. Utility changeDictionary reads from system/changeDictionaryDict
- Line 29 in file Allrun using decomposePar decomposes computational mesh between processors reading system/decomposeParDict
- Line 32 in file Allrun runs the test case in parallel
- Line 35 in file Allrun using utility reconstructPar for reconstructing data from processor directories
- Lines 38 – 41 in file Allrun using utility paraFoam with switch -touch creating files .OpenFOAM for postprocessing
- Run the test case:
# ./Allrun
When finished, view results. Multi-region cases must be opened each part separately. Or using paraFoam with switch -region :
# paraFoam -region heater
When finished, view results. Multi-region case can be opened by loading file multiRegionHeater.foam in ParaView or by using command paraFoam.
# paraFoam

Figure: multiRegionHeater
Previous: Test case geometry description Up: Test case: multiRegionHeater Next: Test case: roomWithRadiator