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Results Evaluation

Figure: OpenFOAM tutorial car case. Velocity field in xy plane and stream lines
- Results can be watched in paraview by simply running paraFoam and populating the object pipeline by oneself.
- Alternatively, one can use a preset pvsm visualization template by typing
# paraFoam -touch
# paraview
and loading the template by FileLoad state.
- NOTE: The absolute path to the *.OpenFOAM placeholder in loaded “state” file may differ from current path to the *.OpenFOAM placeholder. If the path is different ParaView ask you for it via “Fix Paths in State File” window.
- Choose uField.pvsm or pField.pvsm.

Figure: OpenFOAM tutorial car case. Pressure field in xy plane and on a car body
- To obtain a better view of pressure field, set backface style in section Properties 17.4.
- The template motor.pvsm shows the flow field in engine compartment in

Figure: OpenFOAM tutorial car case. Stream lines in engine compartment
- To display the evolution of aerodynamic coefficients one can write a small script for gnuplot. 17.5 Run the script by typing gnuplot
# Script for gnuplot set xlabel "Iterations" set ylabel "CdCoeff" set grid unset logscale y set xrange [100:400] set yrange [0.4:0.5] plot "../carNoMotor/postProcessing/forces/0/forceCoeffs.dat" using 1:3 with line title 'Cd Car-M', \ "postProcessing/forces/0/forceCoeffs.dat" using 1:3 with line title 'Cd Car+M' pause mouse

Figure: OpenFOAM tutorial car case. Drag coefficients comparison $ C_d$ on very coarse grid.
# Script for gnuplot set xlabel "Iterations" set ylabel "ClCoeff" set grid unset logscale y set xrange [100:400] set yrange [-0.4:-0.2] plot "../carNoMotor/postProcessing/forces/0/forceCoeffs.dat" using 1:4 with line title 'Cl Car-M', \ "postProcessing/forces/0/forceCoeffs.dat" using 1:4 with line title 'Cl Car+M' pause mouse

Figure: OpenFOAM tutorial car case. Lift coefficients comparison $ C_l$ on very coarse grid.
Previous: Running the simulation Up: Running the simulation and Next: Flow around the car