Download Openfoam in Box

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Download OpenFOAM® in Box

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Current OpenFOAM in Box version includes following natively compiled packages:

OpenFOAM-dev-b40be32d8842 (version distributed via, ParaView 5.8.0, Calculix 2.16, NetGen 6.2.2004, swak4Foam, pyFoam, GCC 9.3, CGAL 4.7, Python 3.7.2, bison 3.0, boost 1.62.0, cairo 1.14.6, CGNS 3.4.0, cmake 3.16.5, expat 2.2.0, flex 2.6.0, fontconfig 2.12.1, freesteam 2.1, freetype 2.7, glib 2.50.0, gnuplot 5.2.8, graphviz 2.38.0, gsl 2.3, harfbuzz 1.3.2, hdf5 1.10.6, hwloc 1.11.4, icu 58.2, libcgnsoo 3.0, libffi 3.2.1, libpng 1.6.25, libxml2 2.9.7, libxslt 1.1.32, llvm 9.0.1, m4 1.4.17, mc 4.8.18, mesa 18.3.1, openmpi 3.1.6, MSMPI 10.1.12498.18, pango 1.40.3, pcre 8.39, pixman 0.34.0, qt 5.9.9, rdma-core 13, scotch 6.0.3, spooles 2.2, slang 2.1.4, zlib 1.2.8, arpack

File name:

File size: 424 MB

OpenFOAM® in Box is supposed to work in all Linux distributions. It has been specially tested in UBUNTU 20.04 LTS, UBUNTU 18.04 LTS, UBUNTU 10.04 LTS (Linux 2.6.32, GLIBC 2.11.1), UBUNTU 12.04 LTS (Linux 3.13.0, GLIBC 2.15), UBUNTU 14.04 LTS (Linux 3.13.0, GLIBC 2.19), UBUNTU 16.04 LTS (Linux 4.4.0, GLIBC 2.23), OpenSUSE Leap 42.2 (Linux 4.4.62, GLIBC 2.22), OpenSUSE Tumbleweed 170601 (Linux 4.11.3, GLIBC 2.25), CentOS 7 (Linux 3.10.0, GLIBC 2.17), Debian 7.11 (Linux , GLIBC 2.13), Debian 8.8 (Linux , GLIBC ), Fedora 25 (Linux 4.11.3, GLIBC 2.24).
Installation instructions can be found here.

OpenFOAM® in Box includes complete source code for all applications and libraries under GPLv3.
In case of any issue feel free to contact us and we will promptly get back to you.


This offering is not approved or endorsed by OpenCFD Limited, producer and distributor of the OpenFOAM software and owner of the OPENFOAM® and OpenCFD® trade marks.

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