motorBike CPU Benchmark
This benchmark shows a CPU processors' simulation speeds on a well known CFD test case

motorBike test case - Introduction
This benchmark offers a free and easy comparison of various CPU processors. Anyone is welcome to participate in this benchmark and test various CPU processors. All the cases are transparent and repeatable anytime. The test case is a well-known motorBike tutorial which is a standard part of OpenFOAM installation. The case settings are intentionally left default. The test case can be run on any computer.
There are four different mesh settings of four different sizes (0.35 million cells, 1.9 million cells, 11 million cells, and 75 million cells – only the background edges are doubled, and the rest settings exactly the same). The largest mesh requires about 60 GB RAM. The recommended OpenFOAM solver is CFDSUPPORT’s blueSolver, but the case can be simulated with standard simpleFoam. The case is freely downloadable below.
How to run the benchmark?
– Use OpenFOAM in Box, or OpenFOAM for Windows, or TCAE, or any other OpenFOAM distribution (not guaranteed it works)
-change the number of processors in the script ./AllrunAll to the processor’s physical cores – not logical cores!!!
-restart the computer before running the simulation
How to participate?
Anyone is welcome to participate in this benchmark. Just download the test case below and run it in OpenFOAM, or better run it in TCAE (it includes a complete native compilation of OpenFOAM) and send the resulting simulation log file to together with the processor specification. We will review it and put it on the list.
Download motorBike CPU Benchmark
File name:
File size: 82.4 kB