Axial Pump Turbomachinery CFD Blade to Blade Plot Around Blade 50

OpenFOAM® for Windows released!

CFD Support is proud to announce the release of OpenFOAM® for Windows.

In the past we have received many requirements on providing and supporting OpenFOAM® software under Microsoft Windows.

As a result, we have delivered to the market OpenFOAM® for Windows. It is complete software package allowing to run OpenFOAM® under Microsoft Windows. OpenFOAM® for Windows is free of charge and can be downloaded here

More information bout the package can be found here.

CFD Support at ASME Turbo Expo 2014 in Düsseldorf, GERMANY

Thank you for visiting us at our booth at ASME Turbo EXPO 2014 in Düsseldorf.
It was a pleasure to meet you personally and having discussion over the CFD simulations.
We are looking forward to another great opportunity like this. For sure there will be some …

Team CFD Support

 © CFD support, s.r.o., Sokolovská 270/201, 19000 Praha , Czech Republic

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