compressor mixing plane rotor stator pressure

Dear Customers and Colleagues,

As the holiday season approaches, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued trust. It is the trust who make our jobs a pleasure and keep our business successful. 

May your holiday season and the new year be filled with much joy, happiness and success. We look forward to working with you in the coming year and hope our business relationship continues for many years to come. 

Happy holidays! 

Team CFD Support  

Future projects to deliver in 2015

CFD Support’s proud is turbomachinery simulations for industrial practice.  Turbomachinery field remains the main focus also for 2015. The unique CFD solutions will be extended by several components:

A possibility to interconnect CFD simulations with turbo design in close collaboration with CFturbo.

A graphical interface, GUI for OpenFOAM® in close collaboration with PC-Progress.

A special Turbo Post-processing Plugin for Paraview, providing an extensive visual processing of simulated data.

An optimization of OpenFOAM® in Windows, to deliver even more simple and easy to use package for running OpenFOAM® under Microsoft Windows.

Do not be surprised to see our work out of the turbomachinery field. There are coming products regarding External AerodynamicsHeat TransferCombustion and many more …

Train Aerodynamics

A Short Example of using OpenFOAM® CFD Toolbox for analyzing Train Aerodynamics

The drag coefficient is extremely important. Drag dramatically affects the consumption of the energy (fuel, electricity). Reducing the drag coefficient is never-ending challenge for engineers designing vehicles. 

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