Turbine CFD Workflow
Example of comprehensive CFD workflow of simulating fluid flow in turbines.
Turbine CFD workflow is fully automated and can be automated for every other type of rotating machine.
Finally, in effective work, within each new design, the user just runs single one command.
All the process is done automatically.
The surface model together with physical data are loaded in Turbomachinery CFD.
This CFD workflow employs multi-region approach, which means the model is split into certain number of regions.
Each region is computed like separately and communicates with other regions via interfaces.
The mesh is created automatically within snappyHexMesh. Every region has its own mesh.
The simulation can be run on any number of parallel processors. Immediately after the simulation is started the user can follow the progress of all the important quantities: flow rates, residuals, efficiency, torque, pressure ratio or pressure difference.
This run-time functions give the user valuable information of the convergence and also provide availability to modify the simulation set-up during the run-time.
CFD Support developed special plugin to ParaView for visual postprocessing of rotating machinery: Turbo Blade Post.
Turbo Blade Post enables smart postprocessing of all rotating machinery.
Turbo Blade Post enables blade-to-blade view to investigate the simulation results at any level between hub and shroud. (Anywhere along the blade height.)
Turbo Blade Post also enables plotting (and exporting) for example pressure around the blade anywhere along the blade height.
Turbo Blade Post also enables following the fluid flow angles of attack at the leading edge, or streamtraces at the trailing edge. Anywhere along the blade height.
Another useful feature called meridional average computes and displays circumferential averages of calculated quantities.
Distance OpenFOAM® training
Due to the great success of our attendance OpenFOAM® training, we have recently delivered its reasonable alternative: Distance OpenFOAM® Training
- Distance Training is always individual
- Training scheme is designed by its participant
- Training duration is unlimited. It is up to participant
- A package of technical support is included and participant himself decides how to spend it: calls, lecturing, emailing or even project work
To make your decision to participate easier, until November 30, 2015, the Distance OpenFOAM® training is discounted by 20%
Your individual Distance OpenFOAM® Training is waiting for you:
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