OpenFOAM® for Windows 16.02 released!
We’re proud to announce the release of version 16.02 of popular CFD package OpenFOAM® for Windows.
In CFD Support we made the commitment to bring into OpenFOAM® for Windows the best features across all the OpenFOAM® contributions available.
The new package includes fully functional and natively compiled OpenFOAM-2.3.x. Here are the new OpenFOAM® for Windows 16.02 features:
- New robust Instalator – supporting all major Windows distributions: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
- ParaView 5.0 – the latest version of great CFD postprocessing tool
- CFmesh – an open-source library for mesh generation implemented within the OpenFOAM® framework
- swak4Foam – a library of function objects that allow doing many things that would otherwise require programming
- Turbo Blade Post – free Windows version of special postprocessing tool for rotating machinery simulations
- TCFDSource – free Windows version of special preprocessing tool for rotating machinery simulations
- and many more adjustments to make OpenFOAM® feel at home in Windows
Feel free to contact us with your suggestions what functions and libraries you would like to have in the next OpenFOAM® for Windows version.
Looking forward to collaborating with you!
Best Regards,
Team CFD Support
Headquoters: Sokolovská 270/201, 19000 Praha 9, Czech Republic
CFD Support for Successful Players in Computational Fluid Dynamics | View this email in your browser
Turbo Blade Post Freely Released to the Public
Turbo Blade Post – special software for postprocessing rotating machinery was freely released to the public. You can download it within the latest OpenFOAM® for Windows 16.02
Distance OpenFOAM® training
Due to the great success of our attendance OpenFOAM® training, we have recently delivered its reasonable alternative: Distance OpenFOAM® Training
- Distance Training is always individual
- Training scheme is designed by its participant
- Training duration is unlimited. It is up to participant
- A package of technical support is included and participant himself decides how to spend it: calls, lecturing, emailing or even project work
Your individual Distance OpenFOAM® Training is waiting for you:
Turbomachinery CFD 16.02 to be released soon
CFD Support developers are just finishing new Turbomachinery CFD software version. CFD Support committed to deliver following new features:
- Special Interface format for all rotating machinery
- Fully automated customizable CFD workflows for Pump, Fan, Compressor, Turbine and Water Turbine
- Graphical User Interface (GUI) for case set-up
- Same workflow for Linux and Windows
- Demo of full software version available
- New run-time functions & postprocessing
- Comprehensive Report automatically written down after each simulation
- No Licensing Policy = Perpetual Value
- Fully Automated Process = Extremely effective
- Open Source = Easily Customizable
- Real Tutorials = Best Practice
Coming soon …
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