CFDSUPPORT ZVVZ TCFD Radial Fan RSN3 RSN3 Efficiency FlowRate 900x600 1


Recently, we made a special radial fan simulation benchmark together with ZVVZ Machinery.

The results are amazing. Here are the key figures.

The simulation software is TCFD® – which is a special OpenFOAM based workflow for all rotating machinery. And also a standard OpenFOAM for a comparison.

The test case was a radial fan with very complicated air flow (low pressure ratio together with high flow rate is difficult to simulate).

The benchmark results give at least three outputs:

1. TCFD® results have a very good agreement with the measurement data.

2. In this particular benchmark, the TCFD® results show only a little difference between transient and steady state simulations.

3. In this particular benchmark, the standard OpenFOAM shows poor results.

Altogether, this study clearly proves that OpenFOAM based solutions have very high potential (in the right hands). 

May you have any questions, please contact us.

With Best Regards,

Lubos Pirkl

PS: Please follow CFD SUPPORT at social networks:

PS2: Take a look at this new video on transient simulation of a periodic segment at axial fan:

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