Previous: Turbulent Intensity Boundary Condition Up: Inlet Boundary Conditions Next: Uniform Fixed Value –

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Boundary Conditions for Specific Dissipation Rate of TKE – 27

Running Simulation - Convergence Monitoring - Mass Flow

Mass flow rates are located in directories according to patchMassFlow function object setup in system/flux.fun. Simple script plotFlowRate.gp can plot the mass flow rates during the computation:


set grid
set xlabel "iterations"
set ylabel "mass flow"
set key box above
#set yrange [20:100]

plot "./patchMassFlows_massFlowInlet/0/massFlow" \
              using 1:(-$2) with lines title "spiral inlet", \
     "./patchMassFlows_massFlowOutlet/0/massFlow" \ 
              with lines title "drafttube outlet", \
     "./patchMassFlows_massFlowMXP1_spiral/0/massFlow" \
              using 1:($2+$3+$4+$5+$6+$7+$8+$9) with lines title "spiral outlet", \
     "./patchMassFlows_massFlowMXP1_rotor/0/massFlow" \
              using 1:(-($2+$3+$4+$5+$6+$7+$8+$9)) with lines title "rotor inlet", \
     "./patchMassFlows_massFlowMXP2_rotor/0/massFlow" \
              using 1:($2+$3+$4+$5+$6+$7+$8+$9) with lines title "rotor outlet", \
     "./patchMassFlows_massFlowMXP2_drafttube/0/massFlow" \
              using 1:(-($2+$3+$4+$5+$6+$7+$8+$9)) with lines title "drafttube"

pause mouse

Run the script:

# gnuplot plotFlowRate.gp

kaplan turbine cfd openfoam mass flow

Figure: Water turbine CFD, mass flow monitoring plot example.

Previous: Potential of a homogeneous Up: Notes on gravitational potential Next: Center of mass of
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Hydrostatic pressure

Let us consider an incompressible fluid at rest in the presence of a homogeneous gravitational field so it is supported by walls of some, possibly open, vessel. Inside a volume of the fluid there is the well known hydrostatic pressure, let us denote it by $ p$. Assume the fluid has one free8.6 part of its boundary, i.e. one part of its surface forms a level, i.e. plane or its part. Let us denote by $ \vec{r}_0$ a position vector8.7 of an arbitrary point of this plane. Hence for $ p$ holds img206 Notice the relation ([*]) is valid inside the volume of the fluid only. If we need to extend its domain, it is necessary to assure zero values for $ p$ outside of the volume of the fluid. For instance, this is satisfied naturally, if we consider $ \varrho$ a constant scalar field but vanishing outside the volume of the fluid.