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This block defines parameters relevant for the first phase of meshing, i.e., the castellated phase:

maxLocalCells 500000;
  • maxLocalCells – max number of cells per processor during refinement
    maxGlobalCells 2000000;
  • maxGlobalCells – max number of all cells before cell removal
    minRefinementCells 5;
  • minRefinementCells – the surface refinement loop might spend lots of iterations refining just a few cells, to avoid that cell refinement procedure is stop if the number of cells to be refined is less then this value
    maxLoadUnbalance 0.10;
  • maxLoadUnbalance – maximum processor imbalance during refinement, i.e., if the number of vertices on one processor differs from average number of vertices on another processor by more than maxLoadUnbalance 33, then re-balancing algorithm is performed
    nCellsBetweenLevels 1;
  • nCellsBetweenLevels – number of cells between different refinement levels, see Figure crossref 2

Figure: nCellsBetweenLevels: 1 – 4 – 7.

  • features
                file "C-fine.eMesh";
                level 0;
                file "F-fine.eMesh";
                level 4;
                file "D-fine.eMesh";
                level 3;


  • features block defines an explicit feature edge refinement
    • Feature edges (*.eMesh files) can be generated by the surfaceFeatureExtract utility which setup is defined in system/surfaceFeatureExtractDict file:
          extractionMethod extractFromSurface;
              // Mark edges whose adjacent surface normals are at an angle less
              // than includedAngle as features
              // - 0  : selects no edges
              // - 180: selects all edges
              includedAngle 130;
          writeObj yes;
    • To generate these edges run:
      # surfaceFeatureExtract
    • The feature edges can be visualized in ParaView by opening *_edgeMesh.obj in constant/extendedFeatureEdgeMesh directory
                level (2 2); 
                    type wall;                
                level (2 2); 
                gapLevelIncrement 2; 
                    type wall; 
                    inGroups (FD);
                level (2 2); 
                gapLevelIncrement 2; 
                    type wall; 
                    inGroups (FD);


  • refinementSurfaces – includes levels of refinement, patch type and group name (optionally) for the given geometry part (from geometry section)

Figure: Labeling of cell levels.

  • level – Specifies two levels for every surface. The first number is the minimum level – every cell intersecting a surface gets refined up to the minimum level. The second number is the maximum level. All background mesh cells holds level 34 (see Figure crossref 2). See an example of different levels in Figure crossref 2
  • patchInfo block holds information about a type of a boundary and optionally can define groups for selected patches

Figure: levels: (1 1) – (1 3) – (3 3).

  • resolveFeatureAngle 60;
  • resolveFeatureAngle – feature angle refinement, it applies maximum level of refinement to cells that can see intersections whose angle exceeds this value.

Figure: resolveFeatureAngle: 10 – 45 – 100.

  •  refinementRegions
                mode distance;
                levels ((0.01 6)(0.05 3));
  • refinementRegions – allows to define two types of refinement:
    • inside – refinement level inside the (closed) object:
      levels ((1E15 4))
      only the second number is relevant, the first number is not read
    • distance – refinement level with respect to the distance from the object:
      levels ((0.001 3) (0.01 2) (0.1 1))


    locationInMesh (-0.111 0.0001 0.0001);
  • locationInMesh – defines the part of the mesh which is not removed, the point must be placed inside a cell

Figure: locationInMesh: outside – inside.

  • allowFreeStandingZoneFaces true;
  • allowFreeStandingZoneFaces Allowing zone faces that share the same owner and neighbour cell zone. Not used if there are no faceZones.

Previous: geometry Up: SnappyHexMesh mesh Next: snapControls

Before start working, source OpenFOAM software version

  • With every new terminal session, before start working with OpenFOAM, your system needs to be connected with the OpenFOAM installation.


  • OpenFOAM system variables and aliases are involved, typically typing e.g.:

    # source installPath/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.x.x/etc/bashrc


  • Optionally, the new line may be added to your home/user/.bashrc, e.g.:


    source installPath/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.x.x/etc/bashrc


  • Optionally, the new alias(es) may be added to your home/user/.bashrc and used called when needed:


    alias of21Local='. installPath/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.1.x-Local/etc/bashrc.Xeon'
    alias of23Opteron='. installPath/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.3.x/etc/bashrc.Opteron'
    alias of23LocalXeon='. installPath/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.3.x/etc/bashrc.Xeon'

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Example: Pressure around the blade

For industrial applications of the CFD simulations it is often necessary to visualize the pressure distribution around the blade, when cut at a specific height. This is a direct analogy of the pressure profiles used in aeronautics when simulating wing profiles etc. In Turbo Blade Post this can be achieved by application of a sequence of ParaView filters on the blade patches.

turbo blade post cfd pump hubshroudblades

Figure: Input geometry (hub, shroud and blade patches) for the Turbo Blade Post / Turbo Unwrap filter for construction of the around-the-blade pressure profile.
