![OpenFOAM Training 1 CFD support poster horizontal](https://www.cfdsupport.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/CFD-support-poster-horizontal-x500.jpg)
- Participants receive all the materials in electronic version and can get back anytime. For this reason, the training has a permanent value.
- This OpenFOAM® training helps to acquire a set of skills to always know what to do.
- Native Windows & Linux platforms
- Both Attendance and Distance form
- Participants receive the certificate from CFDSUPORT they completed the training
Distance OpenFOAM® Training
- Save costs and time on traveling.
- Take your time. Learn from your home or office.
- Technical support included. Calls, lecturing, emailing or even project work.
- Spend your support hours on the topic you are interested in.
Organizational information - Distance OpenFOAM® Training
The training language is English
2+2+2+2 hours of Technical support included (Skype, email, phone, lecturing, OpenFOAM® support, CFD, IT, Math, Physics, C++)
Price includes the training software and test cases
Price includes the training materials in electronic version
Price excludes VAT if applicable
Proforma invoice is sent after the registration, payment in advance via bank transfer or PayPal
User OpenFOAM® training detail
We would like to offer our User OpenFOAM® training to all those who are new to OpenFOAM®, have no experience in this area whatsoever, but it may be also of interest for those who have already experienced OpenFOAM® in the past and want to improve their skills. In two days, divided into four thematic sections, the trainee receives an overview of the possibilities of OpenFOAM®. They learn to run different types of CFD simulations, set the boundary conditions and parameters for calculations, prepare computational meshes and evaluate the results.
- what is OpenFOAM®, its philosophy and OpenFOAM® structure
- basic orientation in Linux/UNIX environment
- grid generation - blockMesh
- case setup - initial and boundary conditions
- parallel computing
- results evaluation using OpenFOAM® and ParaView
- advanced grid generation - snappyHexMesh
- boundary conditions and solvers in OpenFOAM®
- RANS turbulence modeling
- external aerodynamics tutorial
- modeling of rotation, moving meshes, multiphase flows
- advanced postprocessing, convergence monitoring
Advanced OpenFOAM® training detail
The Advanced OpenFOAM® training is suitable for participants of User training and also for those who already have an existing OpenFOAM® user experience and want to continue and develop their special skills even further. The two-day advanced training is also spread into four thematic blocks. You will look at the source code and gradually implement and test advanced techniques for preprocessing, postprocessing, editing solvers, boundary conditions and turbulence models.
- orientation in the source code of OpenFOAM®
- implementation of the new OpenFOAM® solver
- illustration of mesh refinement
- implementation of utilities for preprocessing/postprocessing
- multiphysics: flows with heat transfer and conduction
- coupling of different mesh types - multi-region case
- example of implementation of the new boundary condition
- example of creating a new turbulence model
- advanced external aerodynamics of car
- specialized functions in ParaView
- postprocessing in GnuPlot (plots of selected values)
- command line scripting (bash)
Turbulence training detail
Turbulence training is a special CFD workshop (performed in OpenFOAM®), which guides a trainee over various CFD Turbulence modeling methods. On standard benchmark test cases the turbulence modeling methods are discussed aiming on their benefits and drawbacks.
- Wall Functions
- Low re
- Reylonds Stress Models
- y+
- CF
- Flat Plate test case
- NACA Airfoil test case
- Diffuser test case
- Ahmed Body test case
- Car Body test case
Preprocessing training detail
Preprocessing training is a special workshop (performed in Salome and OpenFOAM®). The training shows basic principles of complete CFD preprocessing for OpenFOAM or any CFD code. Special tutorials included. As a part of the training the participans get a set of instructional Videos to see exactly how to preprocess their CFD cases.
- Salome
- New model from scratch
- Load CAD Model
- Clean CAD Model
- Prepare Surfaces
- Export for OpenFOAM
- Load in OpenFOAM®
- OpenFOAM® Meshing Process
- Set OpenFOAM® case
- Cyclon test case
- Valve test case
- Load External Mesh test case
Individual training
CFD Support can prepare a special training for demanding customers tailored exactly to your ideas and projects that you aim to solve now or in the future with help of OpenFOAM®. Furthermore, we can also offer special training process focused purely on the theory of fluid dynamics and CFD according to your specifications (mathematical flow modeling, numerical mathematics, modeling turbulence, …).
Contact us for more information about the individual training if you are interested.
This offering is not approved or endorsed by OpenCFD Limited, producer and distributor of the OpenFOAM software and owner of the OPENFOAM® and OpenCFD® trade marks.