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Tutorial case

  • The tutorial case can be found in the materials inside the training/run/snappyTestCase directory.
  • The directory contains a preset case for mesh generation of a simple geometry:
    snappyTestCaseCase directory
    29 constant 
         29 polyMeshOpenFOAM mesh data
             29 blockMeshDictDictionary for blockMesh utility
         29 triSurfaceDirectory including inputs for snappyHexMesh
             29 C-fine.stl30
             29 D-fine.stl31 Surface geometry files
             29 F-fine.stl32
    29 system 
             29 controlDict30
             29 fvSchemes31 Compulsory files
             29 fvSolution32
             29 snappyHexMeshDictSnappyHexMesh mesh parameters
             29 surfaceFeatureExtractDictDictionary for generation of geometry edges
    29 snappyEvolution.mp4All the intermediate steps visualization
  • Additional files and folders for meshing:
    • triSurface directory holds the input geometry. SnappyHexMesh always looks into this directory.
    • snappyHexMeshDict is a dictionary for snappyHexMesh inlucding all the mesh and algorithm parameters.
    • surfaceFeatureExtractDict is a dictionary for surfaceFeatureExtract utility by which edges of input geometry can be generated.
  • The input geometry for this case consists of three letter-shaped objects – C, F and D (see Figure [*]).

Figure: Input geometry, three letters – C.stl, F.stl and D.stl.

  • This tutorial is explaining the most important parameters for generating a computational mesh.