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  • First, set the domain boundaries and background mesh 
  • The background mesh should be placed with respect to the motor bike geometry, see Figure [*]
  • Background mesh dimensions should be large enough to neglect possible boundary effects
motorBike bcgMesh

Figure: OpenFOAM tutorial motorbike, background mesh position

  • The vertices are preset in file blockMeshDict:


    convertToMeters 1;
        (-5 -4 0)
        (15 -4 0)
        (15  4 0)
        (-5  4 0)
        (-5 -4 8)
        (15 -4 8)
        (15  4 8)
        (-5  4 8)
        hex (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) (20 8 8) simpleGrading (1 1 1)


  • Run blockMesh to generate background mesh:
    # cd ../..
    # blockMesh


  • In file system/snappyHexMeshDict is application snappyHexMesh configuration
  • File is commented