Previous: The outsideMesh Up: Partial meshes Next: The wholeMesh This is an automatically generated documentation by LaTeX2HTML utility. In case of any issue, please, contact us at The insideMesh Let us look at inside mesh’s blockMeshDict.convertToMeters 0.01; vertices ( (-8 -6 0) (8 -6 0) (8 6 0) (-8 6 0) (-1 -4 0) (1 -4 0) (1 4 0) (-1 4 0) (-8 -6 0.1) (8 -6 0.1) (8 6 0.1) (-8 6 0.1) (-1 -4 0.1) (1 -4 0.1) (1 4 0.1) (-1 4 0.1) ); edges ( arc 0 1 (0 -10 0) arc 1 2 (10 0 0) arc 2 3 (0 10 0) arc 3 0 (-10 0 0) arc 8 9 (0 -10 0.1) arc 9 10 (10 0 0.1) arc 10 11 (0 10 0.1) arc 11 8 (-10 0 0.1) arc 4 5 (0 -4.123 0) arc 6 7 (0 4.123 0) arc 12 13 (0 -4.123 0.1) arc 14 15 (0 4.123 0.1) ); blocks ( hex (0 1 5 4 8 9 13 12) (20 30 1) simpleGrading (1 0.5 1) hex (1 2 6 5 9 10 14 13) (20 30 1) simpleGrading (1 0.5 1) hex (2 3 7 6 10 11 15 14) (20 30 1) simpleGrading (1 0.5 1) hex (3 0 4 7 11 8 12 15) (20 30 1) simpleGrading (1 0.5 1) ); boundary ( mixer { type wall; faces ( (4 5 13 12) (5 6 14 13) (6 7 15 14) (7 4 12 15) ); } frontAndBack { type empty; faces ( (0 1 5 4) (1 2 6 5) (2 3 7 6) (3 0 4 7) (8 9 13 12) (9 10 14 13) (10 11 15 14) (11 8 12 15) ); } AMIInside { type patch; faces ( (0 1 9 8) (1 2 10 9) (2 3 11 10) (3 0 8 11) ); } ); We build the mesh using# cd $FOAM_RUN /mixerCase/insideMesh/# blockMesh Figure: The inside mesh OpenFOAM Training by CFD Support, CFD SUPPORT, +420 212 243 883 © CFD support, s.r.o., Sokolovská 270/201, 190 00 Praha 9, Czech Republic