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Test case: damBreakWithObstacle

  • Local mesh refinement tutorial


  • Copy tutorial test case damBreakWithObstacle:
    # cd $FOAM_RUN
    # cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS/\
    /multiphase/interFoam/laminar/damBreakWithObstacle ./


  • Test case is already set up


  • Three-dimensional flow of two fluids


  • A simple model of dam break. A water column is released in the box with obstacle.

Figure: damBreakWithObstacle geometry

  • Solver for this test case is interFoam



  • Dynamic mesh properties are set in dictionary constant/dynamicMeshDict:



dynamicFvMesh   dynamicRefineFvMesh;

    // How often to refine
    refineInterval  1;

    // Field to be refinement on
    field           alpha.water;

    // Refine field inbetween lower..upper
    lowerRefineLevel 0.001;
    upperRefineLevel 0.999;

    // If value < unrefineLevel unrefine
    unrefineLevel   10;

    // Have slower than 2:1 refinement
    nBufferLayers   1;

    // Refine cells only up to maxRefinement levels
    maxRefinement   2;

    // Stop refinement if maxCells reached
    maxCells        200000;

    // Flux field and corresponding velocity field. Fluxes on changed
    // faces get recalculated by interpolating the velocity. Use 'none'
    // on surfaceScalarFields that do not need to be reinterpolated.
        (phi none)
        (nHatf none)
        (rhoPhi none)
        (alphaPhi none)
        (ghf none)

    // Write the refinement level as a volScalarField
    dumpLevel       true;


  • Run test case:

    # ./Allrun
    # paraFoam 9.2


Figure: Mesh refinement/unrefinement, side view


Figure: Phase magnitude in different times