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  • Adjoint Optimization method can help to significantly reduce the pressure drop of simulated components.
  • This chapter deals with the basics of Adjoint Shape Optimization method.
  • This chapter is aimed more at an application in OpenFOAM, rather than Adjoint method theory.
  • The theory can be found easily searching the Internet. Here is an example:
  • Regarding this method, OpenFOAM includes one special solver adjointShapeOptimizationFoam.
  • adjointShapeOptimizationFoam can be described as a steady-state solver for incompressible, turbulent flow of non-Newtonian fluids with optimisation of duct shape by applying “blockage” in regions causing pressure loss as estimated using an adjoint formulation.
  • This adjointShapeOptimizationFoam solver was implemented based on the following paper: “Implementation of a continuous adjoint for topology optimization of ducted flows” C. Othmer, E. de Villiers, H.G. Weller AIAA-2007-3947
  • This solver can be also understood as simpleFoam with the adjoint method in it.
  • This solver seems to make sense to be applied to internal flows. For example on ducting flows.