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Adjoint pitzDaily Tutorial Evaluation
Take a look at what is the benefit of the optimization.
For internal flows the critical quantity is usually the pressure drop.
Pressure drop can be defined as a difference between the inlet and the outlet pressure. It can be understood as a measure of how much of energy is needed to make fluid flow through.
For smooth and efficient flows, the engineers want to reduce the pressure drop as much as possible.
Do the following experiment:
Run the adjoint pitzDaily tutorial with adjointShapeOptimizationFoam solver
Run the pitzDaily tutorial with simpleFoam solver
Evaluate and compare the pressure drop of both.
Run this tutorial both with adjointShapeOptimizationFoam and simpleFoam; evaluate the average pressure in the inlet (there is zero pressure at the outlet anyway): # adjointShapeOptimizationFoam # postProcess -func 'patchAverage(name=inlet,p)' -latestTime # simpleFoam # postProcess -func 'patchAverage(name=inlet,p)' -latestTime
Conclusion: The static pressure at the inlet is lower in the adjoined (optimized) case than in the non-optimized case. So, the geometry can be optimized this way.