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Test case geometry description
Multi-region cases are in fact several cases connected to one case
Whole domain is divided into several regions and solver computes the solution of each region step by step
Most applications need a switch -region when computing multi-region cases
Copy tutorial case from the attached tutorials folder. # cp -r .../training/run/roomWithRadiator $FOAM_RUN # cd $FOAM_RUN /roomWithRadiator
Test case is already preset
Test case is three dimensional
Figure: roomWithRadiator geometry
Figure shows the test case geometry without one external wall so it is possible to see internal parts of the geometry
The geometry is divided into five regions:
grey region: walls, heat conducting solid body region made of concrete
transparent region inside walls: room, region filled with air
blue region: window, heat conducting solid body region made of glass
red region: pipe, fluid region of the radiator pipe filled with water
yellow region: radiator, heat conducting solid body region made of iron
List of regions together with assigned type of the region: fluid or solid, can be found in constant/regionProperties
Standard OpenFOAM directories 0, constant and system includes subdirectories named after given region. Each region has its own configuration files, with exception of controlDict file which is common for all regions
If the configuration data are the same for multiple regions, it is possible to include them from other files. For example, all regions need to have decomposeParDict, but with the same number of processors used. This can be specified in the main decomposeParDict in system directory as usual. Nevertheless, the information needs to be included in each region directory inside the decomposeParDict. We can refer to the given file by the following line