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Plotting the torque

  • For plotting the torque one can prepare a gnuplot script.
  • The script plots the torque (moment of pressure forces) in direction of the $ -$x axis.
  • $ {\textcolor{blue}{\mathsf {In \ Linux: }}}$ For Linux user one should prepare script
# Script for gnuplot

set title "Pressure Moment of Forces in -x direction"
set xlabel "Time [s]"
set ylabel "Moment of Forces [N.m]"

plot "< cat postProcessing/turbine-forces-and-moments/0/forces.dat | tr -d '(' | tr -d ')'" using 1:(-$11) title "Moment of Forces (-x direction)" with lines,
pause mouse
  • From the case root directory run following command:

    # gnuplot

  • 43 First process forces.dat file using following command:

    # cat postProcessing/turbine-forces-and-moments/0/forces.dat \
    | tr -d '(' | tr -d ')' > \

  • This command create new file forcesWithoutBrackets.dat without brackets. Now we can open gnuplot outside cygwin and change directory to windTurbine case. Then one can start using (opening) plotMomentOfForcesWin.plt script.
# Script for gnuplot

set title "Pressure Moment of Forces in -x direction"
set xlabel "Time [s]"
set ylabel "Moment of Forces [N.m]"

plot "postProcessing/turbine-forces-and-moments/0/forcesWithoutBrackets.dat" using 1:(-$11) title "Moment of Forces (-x direction)" with lines,
pause mouse
CFDsupport meshing training wind turbine torque plot

Figure: Input geometry, three letters – C.stl, F.stl and D.stl.