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Templates and inheritance

To make the language even more flexible, it is possible to combine the so far mentioned concepts of inheritance and templates. Imagine having a following two classes for representing pets dog and cat:

class dog

    std::string name_;


    // constructor
    // just initialize the name
    dog( std::string name )

    virtual void bark() const {std::cout << "Bark! Woof! Bark!\n";}

    // get dog's name 
    std::string name() const {return name_;}


class cat

    std::string name_;


    // constructor
    // just initialize the name
    cat( std::string name )

    virtual void meow() const {std::cout << "Meow! Meow! Meow!\n";}

    // get cat's name 
    std::string name() const {return name_;}


Now, the municipality has declared, that each dog has to be registered and have its own ID number. One way to do that is to extend the class, add new member to represent the ID, new getter function for the ID etc. But not every dog in the world is registered, we may want to keep registered and unregistered dogs separate. Solution is to create derived class registered_dog as follows:

class registered_dog : public dog

    int ID_;


    // constructor
    registered_dog(int ID, std::string name)

    int get_ID() const
        return ID_;

The new derived class handles the ID for dogs, but if dog is not registered, we can still use the original class to represent it. Now, the municipality has also declared, that cats also have to be registered and have their ID. We might solve the problem similarly as for dogs, however the code will be practically the same for dogs and cats. The solution to the problem is to use template in conjunction with inheritance:

class registered : public Animal

    int ID_;


    // constructor
    // first initialize the animal
    // then ID
    registered(int ID, std::string name)

    int get_ID() const
        return ID_;

The template class registered has template parameter Animal and is derived from it. This means, that it will be derived from whatever class we will instantiate it for. For example, instance registered will be deriver from dogregistered will be derived from cat. If there were more animals, we could use it for all of them. Basically for almost the same amount of code, we got double the functionality than in case of registered_dog. Following piece of code is demonstrating use of the template class registered in comparison with registered_dog:

int main()
    // Max is registered_dog
    registered_dog max = registered_dog(1, "Max");

    // Rex is registered
    registered rex = registered(2, "Rex");

    // Oscar is a registered
    registered oscar = registered(3, "Oscar");

    std::cout << "Our dog " << << " has ID " << max.get_ID() << " and barks like this:\n";

    std::cout << "Our dog " << << " has ID " << rex.get_ID() << " and barks like this:\n";

    std::cout << "Neighbours cat " << << " has ID " << rex.get_ID() << " and meows like this:\n";

    return 0;

The usage is practically the same. File with the example code can be found in training/cpp_tutorial in directory templatesVSInheritance in file main.cpp. The code can be compiled by following command: 196

# g++ main.cpp -o templatesInheritance

# x86_64w64-mingw32-g++ main.cpp -o templatesInheritance

Running the program will result in following output:

# ./templatesInheritance
# Our dog Max has ID 1 and barks like this:
# Bark! Woof! Bark!
# Our dog Rex has ID 2 and barks like this:
# Bark! Woof! Bark!
# Neighbours cat Oscar has ID 2 and meows like this:
# Meow! Meow! Meow!