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Turbulent Boundary Layer

The turbulent flow near solid boundaries is described by empirically-determined relationships called the Law of the wall. Measurements show, that for turbulent flows, the velocity near the wall varies logarithmically with the distance from the surface. From dimensional analysis23.2 we obtain the law of the wall:

24 3(23.8)

where 25 1 is Kármán’s constant and the quantity 26 1 is known as the friction velocity:

27 2(23.9)

Correlation of measurements indicate 28 1 29 1 30 1 and 31 1 29 1 32 1.

sketch turbulent boundary layer uy 1

Figure: A sketch of developed turbulent boundary layer in dimensionless coordinates 33 1 and 34 1.

Figure (crossref 3) shows typical velocity profile for a turbulent boundary layer. The graph displays the dimensionless velocity 33 1, and dimensionless wall distance 34 1, defined as:

35 1(23.10)

Finally, the Law of the wall can be described:

36 1(23.11)

The fully developed boundary layer can be viewed as divided into four regions:
Viscous sublayer is a region closest to the wall. In this region 34 1 239 33 1 The fluid flow is always laminar here. The Viscous sublayer region is typically where 34 1 13 2 37 1.

Buffer layer is a region, where neither law holds. The Buffer layer region is typically where 38 1 13 2 34 1 13 2 39 1.

Logarithmic (Log-law) layer is a region, where the Law of the wall holds. The Log-law layer region is typically where 39 1 13 2 34 1 13 2 40 1.

Outer (Defect) layer is a region, where the free-stream is taking over. The Outer layer region is typically where 40 1 13 2 34 1.

sketch turbulent boundary layer uy near the wall

Figure: A sketch of near wall detail of developed turbulent boundary layer in dimensionless coordinates 33 1 and 34 1.