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Friction Coefficient vs. Reynolds-X

  • Friction coefficient $ C_f$ versus Reynolds based on x coordinate $ Re_x$ at the flat plate.
  • Equations ([*]) show experimental correlation of various measurements.
  • For laminar fluid flows at the flat plate the Blasius formula is used.
  • For turbulent fluid flows at the flat plate the White formula is used.



$\displaystyle \textrm{Blasius:} \quad C_f = \frac{0.664}{Re_x^\frac{1}{2}} , \quad \textrm{White:} \quad C_f = \frac{0.445}{ln^2 (0.06 \cdot Re_x)}$(25.1)






$\displaystyle Re_x = \frac{\rho_\infty U_\infty x}{\mu_\infty}$(25.2)
friction coefficient ReX Cf comparison data

Figure: Friction coefficient img417 versus Reynolds based on x coordinateimg409 at the flat plate. Equations crossref 3 show experimental correlation of various measurements. For laminar fluid flows at the flat plate the Blasius formula is used. For turbulent fluid flows at the flat plate the White formula is used.