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  • At first select the whole model by clicking on it (edges turn white)
  • Alternatively you can select the surface model in the left hand side bar in the Object Browser by clicking on Globe Valvess

Figure: Object Browser

  • To split (explode) the selected model – go to menu New entity > Explode (see figure crossref ).

Figure: Splitting the surface model – Explode

  • A new window Sub-shapes selection appears (see fig.crossref).

Figure: Sub-shapes Selection

  • Change the Sub-shapes Type from Compsolid to Shell and confirm this operation by clicking the Apply and Close button.
  • NOTE: You can also split the model directly into much smaller parts, by changing the Sub-shapes Type to Face. Then you usually get too many small parts. Hiding or showing multiple shells is usually easier and faster than working with faces. And also the Object Browser is more transparent with shells. So, if there is a chance to explode the model only partially, it is usually useful.
  • Globe Valvess consists of 29 Shells and you can operate them in the Object Browser.
  • Individual modules (shells) can be shown and hidden by clicking “Eye icon” on the left hand side of Object Browser (see the figure crossref).

Figure: Eye icon