To create a mesh navigate to Mesh > Create Mesh in the upper menu. The window Create mesh appears (see figure ).
In the Create mesh window input a mesh name into Name box. Then select the inlet region – named region1 as a model. In the 2D tab choose the Netgen 1D-2D as an Algorithm. And select the Netgen 2D Parameters as a Hypothesis. (see figure ).
After choosing the hypothesis, window for parameters appears – Hypothesis Construction – here change the Max. Size to 0.001 and the Fineness to the Very Fine (see figure ).
Figure: Create Mesh window
Figure: 2D Hypothesis
Now create a sub-mesh for inlet and outlet regions on groups that were created in the previous section (see section ). Only by creating the sub-meshes you will be able to export these groups separately as individual STL files. With no sub-meshes only the export of the whole model (one STL) would be possible.
Create a sub-mesh. It is very similar operation to Create mesh.
In the upper menu navigate to Mesh > Create Sub-mesh. The window Create sub-mesh appears (see figure ).
Enter a Name. As a Mesh select the region1 (inlet part). As a Geometry select one of the model group – e.g. region1_inlet. In an Algorithm set the Netgen 1D-2D. In a Hypothesis set NETGEN 2D Parameters. The same was set in the general meshing setup earlier.
Repeat the creation of sub-mesh for all the remaining groups of the inlet part region1.
Figure: Create a Submesh
Now everything is ready for the surface mesh generation. To generate a surface mesh navigate to the upper menu Mesh > Compute and the surface mesh will be generated.