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Water Valve Case Structure

  • In this tutorial there are three case directories case-plug-5mm, case-plug-8mm, case-plug-11mm with small differences in the model, boundary conditions, but the same computation setup.
  • Each of WaterValve case directories include all the OpenFOAM files needed to run simpleFoam solver.
  • The root directory of the WaterValve cases has its structure presented in Table
Table: Case directory.
Water Valve  
$ \displaystyle{^\llcorner}$ - initial and boundary conditions
$ \displaystyle{^\llcorner}$ constant - mesh and physical properties
$ \displaystyle{^\llcorner}$ system - system setup-files
$ \displaystyle{^\llcorner}$ - cleaning script
$ \displaystyle{^\llcorner}$ - script for computation and postprocessing
  • decomposes case for parallel computation on 4 processors. Then runs simpleFoam solver in parallel. After the computation reconstructs data, evaluates the total pressure on patches and writes the results into pTot.csv file. All the processes in are written into individual log files.
  • removes results, log files created by and mesh sent from meshFactory, if they are present.
  • contains the initial and boundary condition of the simpleFoam solver.
$ \displaystyle{^\llcorner}$  
     $ \displaystyle{^\llcorner}$ k <#37668#>
     $ \displaystyle{^\llcorner}$ nut
     $ \displaystyle{^\llcorner}$ omega
     $ \displaystyle{^\llcorner}$ p - static pressure
     $ \displaystyle{^\llcorner}$ U - velocity

Constant consists of physical properties and mesh details. PolyMesh is added into directory after running script, which is necessary before start of the simpleFoam computation.

$ \displaystyle{^\llcorner}$ constant  
     $ \displaystyle{^\llcorner}$ polyMesh - mesh details
     $ \displaystyle{^\llcorner}$ g - gravity acceleration
     $ \displaystyle{^\llcorner}$ transportProperties - transport properties
     $ \displaystyle{^\llcorner}$ turbulenceProperties - turbulence setup

Computation setup details are stored in system directory.

$ \displaystyle{^\llcorner}$ system  
     $ \displaystyle{^\llcorner}$ controlDict - computation setup for simpleFoam solver
     $ \displaystyle{^\llcorner}$ decomposeParDict - domain decomposition
     $ \displaystyle{^\llcorner}$ fvSchemes - numerical discretization in solver
     $ \displaystyle{^\llcorner}$ fvSolution - linear matrix solvers definition in solver