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Finer mesh

  • In file blockMeshDict we can change computational mesh to 50×50 cells3.1.
    # mcedit system/blockMeshDict


        hex (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) (50 50 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
  • Run blockMesh:
    # blockMesh
  • For transient simulations the Courant number should by always checked.
  • Let us change time step to 0.0005s and computation time to 1.5s. Solution will be saved in times 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, …, 1.5s
  • Let us modify controlDict, e.g.:
    # gedit system/controlDict


    stopAt          endTime;
    endTime         1.5;
    deltaT          0.0005;
    writeControl    runTime;
    writeInterval   0.1;


  • Run icoFoam on background and forward output into the text file log:
    # icoFoam > log &


  • It is useful to watch the log file how the computation goes:
    # tail -f log


  • Pressing ctrl+c one can jump back to the console


  • Results can be viewed during computation in paraview (button Refresh Times always rereads the time layers):
    # paraFoam


openfoam cavity tutorial velocity magnitude

Figure: OpenFOAM cavity tutorial. Velocity vector field.

cavity vec

Figure: OpenFOAM cavity tutorial. Velocity magnitude.