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General settings

The general settings are displayed in Figure [*].
  • The entry “Setup file” contains full path of a TCFD setup file, which has been used to initialize the fields in the form. It is empty if no such file has been used. However, it is always possible to load a new file into the form by pressing “Load…” and selecting a new file from the dialog window. The other three buttons “Reload”, “Save As…” and “Save” have obvious meaning. The same restriction for the usage of File > Save data… holds also here: One must press Apply before saving the results.


  • “Check Setup” button serves as a controling unit of current TCFD setup. It shows which part of the setup is missing or is inconsistent with other parameters.


  • The entry “Simulation type” offers selection of the type of the machine that is to be set up. CFD Processor supports the following machines: fan, propeller, pump, stator, virtualTunnel, turbine, hydro (water) turbine and wind turbine. Each of these types is slightly different, whether due to a different assignment of boundary conditions, or the postprocessing tools used.
cfd processor TCFDSource general settings

Figure: Plugin TCFDSource – general settings.