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Currently there are several turbulence models supported by TCFDSource:
  • the laminar model (i.e. no turbulence) ,
  • $ k-\omega$ SST model (default),
  • $ k-\epsilon$ model,
  • realizable $ k-\epsilon$,
  • RNG $ k-\epsilon$,
  • Spalart-Allmaras (RANS variant) and
  • Spalart-Allmaras DDES (implies use of Spalart-Allmaras RANS in stationary calculation and Spalart-Allmaras DDES in the transient one)
One of the models has to be selected in the section “Turbulence” and if the advanced parameters are enabled, the user can also tune parameters of the chosen turbulence model. The default values of the model parameters are shown in the figure [*]. Independently of the turbulence model the user can also require different wall functions: Standard wall functions, Low-Reynolds wall functions and Rough walls, which will be applied on all walls in the case.

Figure: Plugin TCFDSource – speedline settings.

cfd processor TCFDSource turbulence settings kOmegaSST
cfd processor TCFDSource turbulence settings kEpsilon
Figure: Plugin TCFDSource – turbulence settings: $ k-\omega$ SST and $ k-\epsilon$ models.