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Manual Run: Preprocessing

  • The buttons “Build” can be used to prepare the mesh of a component. This needs to be done even for external meshes (those can be distinguished by the note “(ext)” displayed in the title of the component), so that the patches are renamed and mesh is analyzed and copied to the appropriate destinations. The progress of meshing is indicated by elapsed time displayed on the button. The button “Merge” is used to concatenate meshes of individual components and create the final merged mesh of the whole machine. The effect of the button “Mesh all” is equivalent to using all “Build” buttons and the “Merge” button. The “Merge” button cannot be used until all components are successfully meshed. The success is indicated by a change of colour. Red colour means no mesh, yellow colour means invalid mesh (or meshing in progress), green colour means valid mesh.


  • Once a component’s mesh (or merged mesh) is ready, it can be displayed. To display the mesh toggle the “Show” button and click “Apply”. Depending on the actual layout of ParaView panels, the user may need to open a RenderView window and display the loaded mesh by clicking on the eye symbol next to the “Mesh” output of the TCFDSource filter in the Pipeline Browser.