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TOPT  is a software module for parametric optimization based on simulation results. TOPT works best inside the simulation environment TCAE. TCAE consists of modules TCADTMESHTCFDTFEA, TOPTand TCAA.

TOPT enables solving a wide range of optimization tasks. Based on the simulation results (optimization function), TOPT can optimize parameters for model shapes, flow velocity, various boundary conditions, or any other model parameters or simulation setup. The optimization function can be based, for example, on the model efficiency, material stress, best RPM, flow coefficients, or on any other simulation results.

Example 1: Shape Optimization

TOPT is used inside the simulation environment TCAE. The TOPT running mode can be either “DOE” (Design Of Experiment) or “optimize”. Mode DOE can be either explicit or implicit. Mode optimize can be either external or built-in. TOPT running loop can easily include external software for CAD model creation, or for parametric space transformation, or optimization. All the external software pieces can be added to the TOPT work scheme. TOPT is flexible enough to work with in-house codes, commercial codes, and open-source. The following scheme shows how TOPT works.

TCAE Parametric Pipe Optimization 2

Example 2: Finding Best Parameters

TOPT Airfoil NACA 2412 Best Cl CFD Optimization 1.5

TOPT can find the highest value of the optimization function. In this example, the optimization function is the lift coefficient of an Airfoil NACA 2412. The main parameter is the angle of attack. TOPT runs an optimization loop to find the highest lift coefficient depending on the flow angle of attack.

Example 3: Complex Turbomachinery Optimization

Optimizing a centrifugal fan is a great example of TOPT capabilities. By allowing for complex optimization workflows, TOPT can help deliver the winning design with the best possible performance. In this case, the optimization was performed on the entire centrifugal fan, with five parameters being adjusted to optimize the efficiency, which served as the optimization function. With its powerful optimization capabilities, TOPT can play a crucial role in improving the performance and efficiency of centrifugal fan systems.

Centrifugal Fan TOPT Parametric Optimization 3

Example 4: Propeller Optimization

Propeller Optimization 300 runs Lift Torque OF 4

Propeller Aerodynamic simulation-driven Optimization. Lift over Torque. An automated process of optimizing the performance of a propeller for a given aircraft using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation techniques. The optimization function is a metric that represents the overall efficiency of the propeller, taking into account both lift and torque produced by the propeller. The optimization process aims to maximize the Lift – Torque ratio, which represents the lift-to-torque ratio produced by the propeller. This ratio is an important factor in determining the efficiency and performance of the propeller, and optimizing it through simulation can lead to improved flight performance for the aircraft. The workflow involves using CFD (TCFD) and parametric geometry-builder (OpenVSP) to model and analyze the performance of a propeller and then using an optimization algorithm (TOPT direct) to identify the design parameters that result in the best performance.

Example 5: Axial Fan Simulation-driven Optimization

CFD simulation-driven optimization of axial fans is a novel and effective method to improve the performance and efficiency of axial fans, which are widely used in various fields such as ventilation, cooling, and propulsion. By using TOPT, the optimal design parameters of the axial fan blades can be obtained under different operating conditions and constraints. The workflow involves using CFD (TCFD) and parametric geometry-builder (OpenVSP).

Axial Fan Optimization Blades mixed

TOPT work scheme

TOPT is used inside the simulation environment TCAE. The TOPT running mode can be either “DOE” (Design Of Experiment) or “optimize”. Mode DOE can be either explicit or implicit. Mode optimize can be either external or built-in. TOPT running loop can easily include external software for CAD model creation, or for parametric space transformation, or optimization. All the external software pieces can be added to the TOPT work scheme. TOPT is flexible enough to work with in-house codes, commercial codes, and open-source. The following scheme shows how TOPT works.

TOPT flow diagram 2210

Acknowledgement: The development of this software module was supported by:

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