Files Preparation - Stator Region

For creating new mesh with snappyHexMesh it is recommended to create a new OpenFOAM case just with system and constant directory and with empty directory 0. Go to your user directory and create directories for turbine stator.

$ \color{white} \gg$ cd $WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR/run
$ \color{white} \gg$ mkdir -p turbomachinery-CFD/meshFactory/t1/stator
$ \color{white} \gg$ cd turbomachinery-CFD/meshFactory/t1/stator
$ \color{white} \gg$ cp -r $WM_PROJECT_INST_DIR/Turbomachinery-CFD-XX.XX/
tutorials/meshFactory/t1/stator/*     ./

The input .STL files are located in constant/triSurface and can be directly viewed in paraview.

$ \color{white} \gg$ paraview

Notice again that the model dimensions are in millimeters, not yet converted to meters. Two .STL files are presented. Namely, t-housing.stl and interface-t1.stl.

Interface between rotor and stator part is the same as for rotor region (see Section [*], page [*]).

The initial idea is to create following mesh boundaries: inlet, interface, inlet_wall. Their number and names can change during the creation process.