Script for Creating Mesh - Rotor Region

In practice all the commands are ran using scripts. Following bash script can be used to run all at once. It is recommended to create file, e.g. makeMesh:


# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#   ==   ===  ==                                                              #
#  ||   ||=  || ))  support s. r. o. 2015,                 #
#   ==        ==                                                              #
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bash ./

surfaceFeatureExtract > log.01.surfaceFeatureExtract 2>&1
blockMesh > log.02.blockMesh 2>&1
autoPatch 45 > log.03.autoPatch 2>&1
decomposePar > log.04.decomposePar 2>&1
mpiexec -np 6 snappyHexMesh -parallel > log.05.snappyHexMesh 2>&1
reconstructParMesh -latestTime > log.06.reconstructParMesh 2>&1
createPatch > log.07.createPatch 2>&1
topoSet > log.08.topoSet 2>&1
setsToZones > log.09.setsToZones 2>&1
checkMesh -latestTime > log.10.checkMesh 2>&1

latestTime=`foamListTimes | tail -n 1`
cp -rf $latestTime/polyMesh ../../constant/rotor/

Script can be executed, e.g.: makeMesh

# bash makeMesh