Water Turbine CFD
OpenFOAM® based CFD workflow for rotating machinery design
Water Turbine CFD, version 15.02, Water Turbine CFD Manual
Water Turbine CFD is an open-source CFD software package and methodology based on the OpenFOAM® software. It was especially created to enable a quick and efficient design optimization of rotating machinery components.
The workflow covers complete process from basic (usually CAD) data over the CFD analysis to significant engineering results. It can be easily automated to save reasonable amount of time and resources.
The package was designed for turbines (Kaplan, Francis) and pumps (axial, radial). Nevertheless, it can be used for wide range of incompressible fluid flows:
- Turbines (Kaplan, Francis, ...)
- Pumps (Axial, Radial, ...)
- Propellers, Impellers, ...
- Incompressible flows
Water Turbine CFD also includes the Turbo Blade Post – Postprocessing ParaView Plugins. Water Turbine CFD is not dependent on other software but it is fully compatible with standard OpenFOAM® and other software packages. Water Turbine CFD is provided both for Linux (by default) and also for Microsoft Windows OS, see OpenFOAM® for Windows. The package contains detailed nearly two hundred pages long manual including real representative tutorials. Water Turbine CFD manual is available on-line: Water Turbine CFD Manual. The tutorials are guiding the user through the whole process from the basic model data to final results. Once the tutorial is completed, the user can easily repeat the whole process with his own data.
Our company is providing full technical support for the package, see General OpenFOAM® Support . Water Turbine CFD is maintained and regularly updated. Our engineers are currently working on additional software modules and extensions covering even more physical problems. To ensure the smooth start of using the methodology at customer’s site we are able to provide extensive training during which our experienced lecturer shows the functionality and answers all the possible questions.
Water Turbine CFD Standard OpenFOAM® | ||
Open-source Code | ||
Unlimited Users, Jobs & Cores | ||
Robust Solver for Water Machines | ||
Boundary Conditions for Water Machines | ||
Real Tutorials for Water Machines | ||
Detailed Manual | ||
Pre/Postprocessing for Water Machines | ||
Automated Process (Workflow) | ||
Both Linux & Windows | ||
Free of Charge |
Due to the open-source platform the package is highly customizable. Having our technical support any additional functions can be added all over the methodology. Some basic form of support is included in the package. The permanent technical support can be ordered.
In Water Turbine CFD our engineers made good use of many years experience with using and developing OpenFOAM®. Especially for this methodology we have developed special OpenFOAM® boundary conditions e.g. to handle the rotor – stator interface or boundary conditions for the inlet and the outlet of the computational domain. The solver for Water Turbine CFD was heavily tested on real machine cases and showed perfect agreement with available measurements.
The package also contains a number of scripts, OpenFOAM® utilities and OpenFOAM® function objects for preprocessing and postprocessing. To keep complete independence of this methodology the computational mesh is created using OpenFOAM® utility snappyHexMesh. Of course using snappyHexMesh mesh is not necessary, any CFD mesh can be imported and used instead.
Water Turbine CFD includes:
- Methodology - full, independent, open-source, no licenses, highly customizable
- Tutorials - working examples, just modify and go
- Detailed Manual - step-by-step description, from preprocessing to advanced postprocessing
- Applications - improved & robust solvers and utilities
- Libraries - special boundary conditions, function objects, flow models
- Scripts - preprocessing, postprocessing
- Source Code - all the source code allowing further developing
- Turbo Blade Post - Postprocessing ParaView Plugins
- Short-term Support Package - to enable smooth start, certain support package is included
- Long-term Support Available - highly recommended, also includes regular software updates and maintenance
- Training Available - both on-site and off-site trainings
Technical Specifications & Software Features
- Incompressible
- Turbulent Flow
- Mixing Plane Interface Averaging
- Fully Parallel Computing
- Robust OpenFOAM® Solvers
- Special Boundary Conditions & Function Objects
- Convergence Monitoring
- Advanced Postprocessing
Please contact us for further information.