- ... environment7.1
- OpenFOAM-in-Box is distributed together with TCFD.
- ... performance.8.1
- http://web.mit.edu/16.unified/www/SPRING/propulsion/notes/node86.htmMIT propulsion notes
(http://web.mit.edu/16.unified/www/FALL/thermodynamics/notes/node86.html )
- ... )8.2
- Present for backward-compatibility
- ... DILU)8.3
- Present for backward-compatibility
- ... integration8.4
- For it is the change or difference, whether finite or infinitesimal, of the potential that matters, not its actual value, we disregard such a constant unless stated explicitly.
- ... vector8.5
- defining the position of a certain point with respect to origin of a system of coordinates
- ... free8.6
- i.e. not in contact with any wall of the vessel
- ... vector8.7
- in a given system of coordinates
- ... side8.8
- This term is equal to the change of the potential energy density of an element of the fluid by its passage through the turbine (from the volute inlet to the draft tube outlet).